Wanted: Hans Heinrich Beinhorn, the dragoonOne of my ancestors is Hans Heinrich Beinhorn who married Anne Catharine Rühling on 11th July 1724 in Grone now Göttingen. He died in Grone on 8th February 1747 aged 74 years and was buried the following day in Grone.These data are recorded in the church book of the ev.-luth. parish St. Petri in Grone. No Beinhorn is mentioned here before the 11th January 1724. The head tax lists of 1689 for the principalities Calenberg-Göttingen and Grubenhagen mention no Beinhorn in the region of Göttingen. Where did he come from? The marriage register lists him as a dragoon soldier. A search for a dragoon regiment stationed around Grone leads to the Regiment Bothmer, the later Hannoverian 6th Kavallerie Regiment, Dragoner. This regiment was founded in 1689 in Celle by Major Horn. Parts of it were stationed in places around Göttingen in the 1720s. Looking for the present distribution of
living name carriers "Beinhorn" in Germany one finds two main regions where
they are located:
Can you help us finding the origin of Hans
Heinrich Beinhorn, the dragoon? We are grateful for an |